
"Immigration, Economic Freedom, and Ideology" (with Nicolas Cachanosky). Available at SSRN:; under review at International Trade Journal [June 3, 2019]

"Immigration and Economic Freedom: Does Immigrants' Education Level Matter?" (with Nicolas Cachanosky and Jonathan Beck). Available at SSRN: [May 30, 2019]

"A Panel Data Analysis of Latin American Populism" (with Nicolas Cachanosky). Available at SSRN: [April 29, 2019]

"An Index of Latin American Populism" (with Nicolas Cachanosky). Available at SSRN: [February 15, 2019]

"The Grecian Horse II: Do Immigrants Import Their Home Country’s Institutions Into Their Host Countries? The Case of the American States." (with Nicolas Cachanosky). Available at SSRN: [January 15, 2019]

“Immigration and Ideology” (with Nicolas Cachanosky)

"Self-Regulation in the Adult Film Industry: Why are HIV Outbreaks the Exception and not the Norm?"

"A Model of Self-Regulation in the Adult Film Industry" (with Gavin Roberts)

"Hermandad: To Protect & Serve in Medieval Spain"

"Immigration, Economic Freedom, and Institutions" (with Andrew T. Young]